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WE give life to the capital of Dacia

Terasa a X-a

An essential mission. Carried out with care and a lot of enthusiasm. We restore and revitalize the Fortress of Sarmizegetusa, the most important religious, political, and military center of the Dacian Kingdom, which is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. 

Four determined work teams – the project promoter – the efficient engine that makes everything work, the two partners with practical knowledge and a competent team of archaeologists – join forces, wisdom and experience in a harmonious symbiosis to give a new look to Sarmizegetusa, closer to the ancient reality and, at the same time, more accessible to the general public who will be visiting one of the most important sites of European antiquity.

we invest 
resources in the restoration 
of the monument.

Then we value it through a concrete and dynamic plan, oriented towards the public.

During this time, we are trained and guided in every aspect by international professionals in the field.
We devote time and invest sustained effort in project management, a key component in the success of the project.
We have a duty to protect the monument. 
The current state of the monument is precarious. The deterioration processes are caused by natural and anthropogenic factors. The deterioration of a cultural heritage causes a loss in our cultural memory and identity. “But there is more to it than just that. The monuments presented here are part of the world's cultural heritage. And we assume responsibility for this phenomenon. 
The danger of the pressure coming from the real estate investment and uncontrolled developments:
The sustainable development of the area must be built responsibly and must balance the existing resources, economic exploitation and the ability for future generations to dispose them. The legislation has numerous gaps in the protection of historical and archaeological heritage: the monument is not adequately protected. 
Legislation with gaps and lack of a common vision for the built heritage: we involve communities and territorial administrations
The system of protecting the heritage at national level, unfortunately, lacks of perfection. Together and along with the community, the county and local councils – with attributions established by law in terms of ensuring the protection of the built heritage – take the matters of the heritage protection projects in their own hands.
Vizitatori 4

"Capital of Dacia - A Living Museum of the European Cultural Heritage" is the name of the project submitted by Hunedoara County Council and organised in partnership with Mihai Eminescu Trust and Møre & Romsdal County Council from Norway. The project for the restoration and revitalization of the Sarmizegetusa Regia archaeological site is financed with the support EEA Grants 2014 - 2021 within the RO-Culture Programme. 

Project promoter: ATU Hunedoara County

Project partners: Mihai Eminescu Trust Foundation (Romania), Møre & Romsdal County Council (Norway)

Total value of the project: 13,290,477.62 lei (2,746,250.15 euro)

The amount of the grant (85% Grant SEE și 15% bugetul național): 9,182,390.99 lei (1,897,384.23 euro)

Duration: 43 months

Deployment location: Grădiștea de Munte village, Orăștioara de Sus commune, Hunedoara county (Romania)

Facebook: www.facebook.com/CapitalaDaciei

This project is financed with the support of EEA Grants within the RO-CULTURE Programme. within the RO-CULTURE Programme.

EEA grants The EEA Grants represent the contribution of Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway towards a green, competitive and inclusive Europe. There are two overall objectives: reduction of economic and social disparities in Europe, and strengthening bilateral relations between the donor countries and 15 EU countries in Central and Southern Europe and the Baltics.

The three donor countries cooperate closely with the EU through the Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA). 

The donors have provided €3.3 billion through consecutive grant schemes between 1994 and 2014. For the period 2014-2021, the EEA Grants amount to €1.55 billion. 

More details are available on: www.eeagrants.org and www.eeagrants.ro www.eeagrants.ro 

RO-CULTURE is implemented in Romania by the Ministry of Culture through the Project Management Unit. The Programme aims at strengthening social and economic development through cultural cooperation, cultural entrepreneurship and cultural heritage management.

The total budget amounts to almost 34 million EUR.

For more details access: www.ro-cultura.ro