We want to let you know that we and our project partners are working hard in our offices in Deva, Sighisoara and Molde - Norway, to organize the first concrete activities of this year.
We, the promoters of the project - Hunedoara County Council - - take care of the last details for the completion of the technical execution project and the procurement procedure for the audit services, but also those for ensuring the visibility of the project, here we are talking about the advertising panels and the permanent plaque . I prepared the specifications for the acquisition of the tourist information system for the electronic signage system (INFO-EDU-CULT Totems, INFO-EDU kit, 3D models and bilingual language audio guide system) It was a lot of work. Hunedoara County Council - we take care of the last details for the completion of the technical execution project and the procurement procedure for the audit services, but also those for ensuring the visibility of the project, here we are talking about the billboards and the permanent board. I prepared the specifications for the acquisition of the tourist information system for the electronic signage system (INFO-EDU-CULT Totems, INFO-EDU kit, 3D models and bilingual language audio guide system) It was a lot of work.
We are happy to tell you that the Romanian partner - the Mihai Eminescu Trust Foundation - has completed the creation of the project's visual identity kit and the content for the 1000 flyers dedicated to the project. The latter will be printed by the end of the month. Fundația Mihai Eminescu Trust - a finalizat realizarea kit-ului de identitate vizuală a proiectului și a conținutului pentru cele 1000 de flyere dedicate proiectului. Acestea din urmă vor fi tipărite până la finalul lunii.
We are almost done with closing the procurement for the IT application and web page development services for the project. What was more difficult has passed - only the signing of the contract follows.
They worked intensively on creating the specifications for the procurement procedures of:
-Educational blacksmithing demonstration workshops.
- Craft fairs.
-The training course "Protectors of the European archaeological cultural heritage - Sarmizegetusa".
Little Archaeologist - Summer camp
Coordination of educational activities
Our Norwegian Partner Møre og Romsdal fylkeskommune put together the last organizational details for the first of the three seminars that will take place in April. Within it, we exchange ideas and knowledge regarding the exploitation and enhancement of the historical monument, identify the challenges and possibilities of future financing, the beneficiaries and evaluate their specific needs.
"Capital of Dacia - A Living Museum of the European Cultural Heritage" is the name of the project submitted by Hunedoara County Council and organised in partnership with Mihai Eminescu Trust and Møre & Romsdal County Council from Norway. The project for the restoration and revitalization of the Sarmizegetusa Regia archaeological site is financed with the support EEA Grants 2014 - 2021 within the RO-Culture Programme.
The grant for this project is 1,897,384.23 euro, plus the contribution worth 848,865.92 euro from the Hunedoara County Council.
EEA and Norway Grants
RO-Culture Programme
EEA & Norwegian Grants
Ministry of Culture
Project Management Unit - UMP